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Getting A New Insurance Policy After Losing Your License

Getting a new insurance policy after losing your license can be a time consuming endeavor. Some states even require having a valid policy before you can get reinstated, especially in the instances where you lost it because of driving without one. Though the steps for searching for a company to insure you is much the same as before, finding one to re-insure you after a driving related conviction can be hard.

Try Your Old Company

If you were happy with the service before, it doesn't hurt to try to get back with the same company you had before your license was suspended or revoked. They may have an alternate "risk" policy that you can sign up under.

Search the Internet

Type in keywords such as "new insurance policy after losing license," "risk insurance," "cheap risk insurance," and "cheap insurance for bad driving records" into your favorite search engine. A wealth of resources will pop up to help you in your quest.

Be Honest

When looking for new insurance policy quotes, be upfront about having lost your privilege to drive. It is on your record. They will find out about it anyway and could cancel you for being deceitful on the application if you don't disclose it.

Use the Phone

Though the Internet is a great place to get quotes, it may not have a place to specify the reasons behind why your license was revoked or suspended. Talking to a live agent about your individual situation will offer a clearer picture on whether a specific company can insure you or not.

Research the Company

Take the time to research the statistics and reviews of customer satisfaction of the companies that you approach about insuring you. This does not mean that a company is automatically not good because of having the lowest quotes, it is just another level of protection that you, as a consumer, should complete.

Ensure that you're Legal

Ask questions to make sure that you are going to be getting the coverage that you need for the right price. States differ on the minimum legal coverage for motorists and you need to make sure that you are protected. You do not want to end up with more strikes against your driving record because of not meeting your local laws.

Keep Looking

Don't give up after a few phone calls. Losing your license will make it harder for you to get a new insurance policy, not impossible. Many companies offer their services to driver's that do not have a clean record. You may have to pay higher risk rates for awhile but it is better than facing another ticket for not being insured.

Car Insurance by State

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